So I love love love hats! And I'm pretty definate that this winter, people will see less of my hair and more of my head coverings. Not only do I think I look super cute with my hair covered (I think everyone looks good with the perfect hat that accentuates your face) but its a great protective styling option. Why tug and pull at your hair when you can twist it up and put a hat on it... for weeks!!! A bad hair day can turn into an awesome hair month in a matter of seconds...
Take yesterday for example, I had a party to go to and my hair was all twisted up. I could have just untwisted and done a twist out fro but I just really didn't feel like it plus it took me about 3 hours to twist it all up the night before (a different set of twist than the previous post, nothing special, just a head full of two strands). Earlier that day I went shopping with the boo and found this uber awesome hat that he swears he picked out (which he didn't) and I really had no intention of wearing it that night but...
*random side note* I apologize for all the boobage. My big booby girls understand...
As you can see, I'm not one to really "dress up" to go out. I think its a waste of time really. I used to get fly to go out, complete with heels and makeup but for what? As I get older, I prefer a good pair of jeans, a loose blousy top and in this case a sweater and some boots (but a good pair of flats could've been substituted). So anyway, I went out yesterday thinking that I was going to be the "under-dressed homely" girl but it was exactly the opposite! I cannot tell you how many women commented on my hat and how many awkward stares I got from random old men from across the bar...
Anyway, my only concern is that my new job (which i'll blog about at a later date) might not be as accepting of my head wraps and hats like my other jobs have been... but as sure as I am Tiffani, I'll definately try and make a place for head coverings in public health. Maybe I'll argue that keeping my head covered makes me less susceptible to illness because less heat is escaping from my body which then leads to greater productivity and less loss of monies due to my potential use of sick days...and if I can't be at work, the important work that I will be doing to get more children vaccinated won't be completed and hundreds, maybe thousands of children will go unvaccinated leading to more absences from school, leading to an decrease in the high school graduation rate leading to an increase in the number of unproductive people in the workforce in the US... stretch? maybe... but you know I'll do it. lol
So anyway, I said all this to say... When all else fails, throw a hat on it and keep it moving! Your hair will appreciate it and you'll look super cute.
*Last random but important side note* If your hat is not silk or satin lined it would be in your best interest to wrap your hair underneath with a silk or satin scarf. Why? well because the fabric of the hat can draw moisture out of your hair leaving you with super dry hair which would make this protective style all be in vain...