... and rambles and rambles and rambles


Monday, January 17, 2011

Hair Experiences

So I wanted to update my blog and since this started out as a hair blog, I should probably start with that. Since I started working so much my hair has been neglected. womp womp. Also, for the purpose of this blog, I've decided to name her Sophia (after Sophia from Color Purple who didn't do what nobody told her to). Sophia is becoming quite unruly lately due to the lack of care, she's still pretty soft and shiny but the winter is taking its toll and she is quite dry.

For Christmas I got my huetiful hair steamer and tried it out the week after. Sophia LOVE LOVE LOVES it!! It is my new favorite appliance!! I haven't taken any pictures of me actually using it yet, womp, but I'll remember next time.

I also got a set of curlformers which I totally begged for all last summer. Less than impressed by these. I've used them twice and both times have been disastrous! I have seen people who have used them and gotten really good results but for me, I think my bantu knots are cuter than the curls I get from the curlformers. After I took them out and played with my hair I looked more like my name was [insert old country name here] instead of Tiffani. I've narrowed down what I think may be the problem. I think because I got the long and wide curlformers and I really need long and narrow or long and skinny (if those versions exists) I love huge hair with tons of small curls but with these, I seem to get small hair with big curls... not good! So I'm going to try them 1 more time and hopefully third times the charm otherwise I'll be putting them on Ebay. Also they suck to sleep in, they take too long to install (bantu knots are waay quicker and look better), and my cat thinks I have snakes in my hair and keeps punching me in the head.
Until next time... Peace, Love, and crab cakes...