... and rambles and rambles and rambles


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hair Story- Stop Pissing me off!! lol

I promised some blogging and damn it, that's just what I'm going to give you!

So lately I've been getting tons of compliments on my hair. It seem everywhere I go somebody wants to touch it. Interestingly enough, it seems that I get the most compliments when my twist are aching to be done over. I have a few things to say about this...
  1. I have NO problem with people feeling or touching my hair but my hair is not a free for all. You do have to ask first and I have to say yes. You can't just come up and grab it and pull on it. Not acceptable. I appreciate the compliments and will answer any questions you have but last week a girl was sick (coughing, sniffing, etc) and came up grabbed a section of my hair without my permission and without sanitizer.  YUCK!
  2. I HATE offside compliments. Why do women feel the need to do that? A lady told me, "I like your hair but I couldn't wear my hair like that to work"...*blank stare* First off, I see more natural hair in the professional world then I see in out in the streets. Second, It's implying that my hair is unprofessional simply because its in its natural state.  I hate that! We don't have to conform to be professional! My work speaks for itself not my hair. People told me when I got tatted I wouldn't get a job either and not one employer has ever asked or mentioned my hand tattoo (its a frog... super cute!)
  3. Part deux of the offside compliments. Stop using this stupid "good hair" excuse! "You can do that to your hair because you got that good stuff" YIKES!! really? My hair kinks and curls more than the average person. My bad hair days are horrible ones just like the next person. In fact, I remember getting made fun of when I was younger because of my hair. If you use that hair typing system (I don't use it but I am aware of what my type is considered) I am technically a 4a/4b and those are not hair types that are typically considered "good hair." Good hair is not straight-er or silky-er hair! Good hair is healthy hair. Learn how to take care of what God put on your head! My hair became happy when I finally stopped trying to make it do what it was never supposed to do!  Example: I used to hate humidity until I stopped pressing my hair. Now it's my best friend. Your hair is telling you what it needs. LISTEN!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Not Now, I'm Busy!!

Haven't blogged in a while and I totally intend to blog this weekend but don't hold me to it. Besides it prob just me and like 5 friends who read this anyway so nobody is probably even missing it.

Where to start? Well for some over-eager reason I went from 0 jobs to 2!!  One fulltime and one part time that equals approximately 60 hours a week!! Well this is not exactly true, I was already working part time at OSU but now I'm also employed by the health department! So needless to say: Who in the sam-hell has time for blogging?!! I'm seriously just too damn busy!!

The crazy part is that I have already planned the use of my pay checks!! As we all know my wedding is coming up (in August 2012 but that's really not that far away!) and I have some major money to save. I hopefully will be buying my dress in January. I could wait on this part but I'd rather just get it out of the way plus I'm sooo super picky when it comes to my clothes (and wedding gowns. I pretty much hate every dress that I've seen at recent weddings... maybe not hate but I definately would not wear them and those seem to be current fashion... go figure, but I digress...) so I need to plan way in advance for this dress. I also need to save at least 2K so this summer when I find my venue, I can just pay it off (i really hate lingering bills). There's some other stuff I'm saving for too (like possibly a new car. My soon to be 10 year old car is so embarrassing. And I've definately caused some major body damage.)

In other random ass "I'm so busy" news... I've started writing again. I secretly my whole life have wanted to be a poet or a songwriter in my spare time (some people want to be models or musicians... don't judge me) so maybe in a future blog i'll showcase some stuff "Now keep in mind that I'm an artist and I'm sensitive about my SHIT".

I've also tried some new products and want to give them a review when I find time, and still no heat to my mop (I think I'll give her a name soon because she really is an entity of her own to me. Can't use Shaniqua because that is the name of my uterus... I named her one day when she was flippin the fuck out on me during my cycle... yeah that was probably too much info hunh?...) but I'm bored to tears of these twist but I'm staying strong so I can be sure to get the amount of growth I want by May.

So God willing... Until the next post... Peace, Love, and hot sauce...